Sales Enablement - the New Model for Sales and Sales Management

Using the familiar tools your sales team already have, you can take your sales performance to the next level. 

"Most buyers are better at buying than salespeople are at selling." - Chuckism #15.

Buyers are more sophisticated, they are making better use of technology, and they are more professional than ever. Meanwhile, they want sales to happen faster and, whenever possible, virtually. 

This course will teach your salespeople how to use concepts like The GRID to allow the customer to feel like they are in control of the sales call. You will be able to provide the most reluctant buyer with qualified and quantified reasons for buying - and buying now. 

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Sales EnablementEX Introduction

    • This may be all you need...

  • 02

    Eleven-Minute Comprehensive Video

    • Sales EnablementEX

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