We are all hard-working people who want to do the best we can to help others succeed. We know that playing by the rules is the best way to achieve long-term success.
Our Terms of Use here are simple:
- Like your proprietary information, the content in this training is my I.P., Intellectual Property. People who take the property of others are known as thieves. So, using the content here without permission is just wrong. It's all copyrighted. (If you would like to use the course as a trainer, let us know. We can help with that.)
- Courses are only to be accessed by the Student who signed up. Believe it or not, there are folks who try to use a single course for multiple users. When the system detects that behavior, access will be discontinued and no refund will be processed. Yes, bulk purchases carry a discount for teams of ten or more. And with an average ROI of less than two days, does it really make sense? It's like sharing a bowl of grits at Waffle House. (By the way, what does it say to people when free access is given to them? They are not worth the price of the course? The giver has no qualms about playing unfairly?)